Welcome to Fat Loss Information Net

This website is a collection of fat loss tips and information that have helped me and my family lose extra body fat without starving ourselves and without going crazy dieting or exercising.

My mother in particular was able to use these tips to drop almost 80 pounds.  Not only was her doctor stunned at her new appearance, but my mother was able to DISCONTINUE her diabetes medication! For the maximum benefit, be sure to read all the pages including the nutrition page. These tips may seem very general, but they work. If you want a more detailed guide that uses these principles for losing weight check out this guide.

Fat Loss vs. Weight Loss

Many people say they need to lose weight.  Even their doctor might tell them to "lose weight."  However, before you begin to try to lose weight, you must understand what is really meant by that phrase.

It is possible to lose weight without getting any thinner.  The human body is made up of 70% water.  You can lower your body weight simply by sweating away water, usually with plastic wraps or heavy clothing that doesn't "breathe." This is a technique used by athletes to adjust their body weight and let the athletes compete in certain competition weight classes.  The weight loss produced by this method is very temporary - the weight will come back when your body absorbs water from your food.  Additionally, water-loss weight control methods can be dangerous because they ultimately rely on dehydrating your body.  More than a few athletes have died trying to lose weight quickly for a competition via dehydration weight loss techniques.

The "real" goal most people have is losing the extra subcutaneous body fat hanging from their bodies.  It's also the type of weight loss your doctor means when he tells you to "lose weight."  Fat loss is important because the extra body fat puts a strain on your heart, lungs, and joints.  Additionally, the extra body fat can play havoc with hormone levels in your body, leading to diseases like diabetes, or feminizing effects caused by too much estrogen.

Fat Loss and You

Obesity is becoming a dangerous trend, and doctors are starting to report increasing numbers of diabetes patients caused by long-term poor diets and too much body fat.  And chances are, if you are reading this page, you want to learn how to lose weight. My mother was one of them, but through diet and using these techniques she was able to rid herself of diabetes. The best part is, she is still at her target weight almost 2 years later!

Feel free to read through these pages and take away all the weight loss information you can.  Losing weight is one of the best things you can do for your health and life-expectancy.  Not only that, you will look more attractive and feel better emotionally too!

The best thing is - Fat loss is not hard to accomplish! You just need to stick to your plan!

Read on for more information. Thank you.